Bible Prophecy & Promises to help you live the abundant life.
There are a lot of events happing in the world today–it’s hard to find peace. However, we know the Prince of Peace, and He has given us His Word.
The Word and Rev. Byerly bring a simple understanding of the times we live in and what is around the corner. You don’t have to look at Scripture with doom, gloom, or fear; there is a promise for our peace. Please join us on historic Route 66 at “Venue 66”.
These meetings will be encouraging for non-believers and believers from all denominations. We have a good God, and He has a good plan for us all! Our relationship with Him is of the highest importance in these End Times.
Saturday Morning, June 16, we will have a special guest, Dr. Allan Walker. He will bring a presentation of “God’s Plan of the Ages–Genesis to Revelation.”
June 16 / 7 pm
June 17 / 10 am & 7 pm
June 18 / 10 am & 7 pm
The Location:
“Venue 66”
116 W 8th.
Bristow, Oklahom. 74010
There will be limited seating, so come early.
Sponsored by Loving Hearts Ministry