Greetings in the name of our liberating Savior, Jesus Christ. It is time once again to celebrate our country’s birthday. For 237 years now, we have enjoyed the freedom for which Christ–honoring, Bible–believing men and women of God fought and died surrounding our nation’s birth.
God ordained our country from the beginning. In 1492, a Christian sailor named Christopher Columbus talked Queen Isabella into financing his expedition to find a new route to the Indies. He knew from his studies of the Bible that the earth was round because in Isaiah 40:22 the prophet declares that the Father sits on the circle of the earth. Columbus was unaware that he was also scouting a new land for the Jewish people on behalf of the Father. You see, at this very same time, King Ferdinand issued a decree to remove all the Jews from Spain.
The Jewish people had come to know Spain as their second Zion, but now faced banishment or death. The discovery of the Americas gave them an escape to a land of plenty, rich with resources. Also, this land would be settled by Christians looking for a new freedom to serve their God.
At the time of the American Revolution, the men who wrote our Declaration of Independence used the Bible as their guideline. Fifty-two of the fifty-five signers were orthodox, devout Christians, and the other three believed in the God of heaven. This country is here by the hand of our Almighty God!
Now, think with me brothers and sisters, Paul writes to the Philippians and tells them this: “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6).
The Father is faithful to that which He started in this country and will continue to perform miracles on her behalf to protect and aid His people Israel. We need to claim this in the spirit realm and speak it over our country daily. Do not let the government or the economy discourage you from declaring what God says in His Word.
Our great nation, the United States of America, shall always be the supporter of Israel—God created our country for this reason. Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States, walked down the aisle of the United Nations and declared our country’s support for the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948—Israel’s Independence Day! Even ungodly Presidents since have stood behind this declaration and reiterated their support.
“Abram, I will bless those who bless you!” That is what the Father says in Genesis 12:3 and we have been the nation blessing the descendants of Abraham since 1492. Seemingly, no matter the degree of our moral decay, greed, or ungodliness, God the Father is still blessing this nation!
Even after the Rapture of the Church, America will still stand by Israel. How do we know this? In the prophecies of Daniel, Daniel uses animals to describe nations and empires. John also uses this biblical principle in the majestic book of Revelation. So, when we read Revelation 12:6 and discover that a woman (which represents Israel, she could be none else) escapes into a wilderness that has plenty at mid-Tribulation, we know that wilderness to be our very own United States of America: “Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days” (Rev. 12:6).
How do we know this wilderness is the United States? Well, that wilderness is described as a “place prepared by God,” and we know that the Father had prepared our land as an escape for the Jewish people once before, setting a precedence on how He will do things in the future. The identity of the wilderness is further disclosed by revealing that the woman is whisked away on the wings of a great eagle (Rev. 12:14). Knowing the biblical principle of using animals to represent nations and empires, we can declare that we are this eagle nation—our national emblem has always been the eagle. Time is too short for another eagle nation to rise up prior to Jesus’ appearing.
So, let’s follow our biblical commands to humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways. God will heal our land (II Chron. 7:14). Pray for all those who are in authority over us that we may lead a peaceful life. Lastly, we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem, which is one of the last prophetic events that will occur before the Rapture.
So true. I have long believed that God is not finished with America. I believe, even with the current darkness in America now, that America will shine brighter than ever. God will indeed finish the work here individually and corporately Besides the important biblical prophecies you pointed out, there has never been a nation as dedicated to the delivering the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world … even now.