Greetings in the name of the only Savior, Jesus. Winter is in full swing, but new beginnings are stirring. Even in winter, as many things lie dormant, some are not as they appear. Consider a hibernating bear; he sleeps much in the winter. This powerful mammal continues to breathe, its heart pumps and body feeds off the fat stored up from the previous Fall. This bear may not be moving around too much, but there is much going on in that den.
To us, God may seem somewhat like the bear. We may not think He is doing much, and we may not see Him moving, in our opinion. Yet, God is always moving and speaking. Do we highly esteem the fact that He is always working on our behalf? Isaiah says, “The Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary” (Isa. 40:28). Psalm 121 states, “He who keeps you will not slumber.” If you have ever wondered where God is, know that He has never left you nor forsaken you (Deut. 31:6; Heb. 13:5). However, we, on the other hand, can forsake Him.
Forsake means to deny or renounce, to desert, abandon, or depart from. Many may say, “Well, I haven’t done that. I haven’t forsaken God.” The Scripture says, “Anyone, then, who knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin” (James 4:17, BSB). It’s also called falling short of the mark. I’m guilty of this. God has a standard, and it’s a high bar. We all fall short unless we walk in the Spirit of Christ Jesus.
When we are diligently making an effort to be in the Spirit, we are abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. When we are in Jesus’ shadow, our short comings are not exposed but corrected. We make mistakes, but by striving to be in Christ (which is the anointing or the presence of God), we can be continually cleansed of our sins and brought up closer to the bar. This will put us into a position of forsaking the sin and not our Lord.
“If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” –John 14:15-18
Our Father will not leave you an orphan, but with His commandments, He lovingly guides you away from death into life more abundant. He gives you helpers, one being the Holy Spirit, to guide and strengthen you and cause you to rise closer to the bar. When we forsake God by departing from His ways (sin), repentance is needed to restore our relationship. The wage of sin is death, and it is not always physical. Mostly, it is the death or separation in our relationship with God. Apart from His goodness and mercy, this can be a reason prayer is not answered.
Such a realization has made me ponder. As a nation and the Body of Christ, have we missed Second Chronicles 7:14? I have seen His people humble themselves, pray, and seek His face, and I believe we have realized we need God to heal our land. But have we repented of our wicked ways? Have we forsaken the fear (holy reverence) of the Lord? Do we willingly forsake the gathering of ourselves together or have unforgiveness in our hearts toward others? Do we focus on our differences more than the love of God? Do we stand for God’s Word fully, or do we try to find excuses within it to explain why we do what we do? Do we have what we think is such a little sin that the Creator of heaven and earth will allow it? Wickedness can be righteousness twisted in the smallest of ways.
We must restore our fear and holy reverence of the Lord! Exhibiting sloppiness and lukewarm attitudes and behavior, and by allowing things to come before God, will make it hard for you to overcome in these perilous times! These traits also reflect a lack of fear of God. Too many members in the Body of Christ are nonchalant when it comes to God and the things of God.
When it comes to God’s Word, you could disagree about abortion, sodomy, lying, and other issues. Take alcohol, for example; some will argue it’s acceptable to drink alcohol. They may say they base their argument on a revelation received from God or something they read in the Bible. If so, then are they perfectly comfortable standing before the Almighty? The One who is all-powerful, and who gives breath and can levy eternal damnation and destruction? (Not that God is mean and critical. His judgement is just.) Simply saying, “Well, I think it’s okay,” or “I don’t think it is a big deal” will not stand up before the all-knowing Judge. Further, where is the fear of God and the caution or conservatism we should show, thereby ensuring not to displease Him?
No one can take you out of the protection and hand of God—no demon, person, or sickness can accomplish this! In fact, nothing but your own, unrepentant sin can cause you to walk away from all that God has for you. So, if you are not sure if something could be considered sin, STAY AWAY! Show fear (reverence) for the Almighty God. He is Love, but He has judgment, and no one can advocate for you but Jesus.
“Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.” —Revelation 2:4-5
I pray you don’t find yourself in the conditions above with the Lord prepared to remove your light or lampstand (eternal life). But if you do, fear not! Remember that His mercy endures forever. As long as you have breath in your body, simply turning to God is the answer. Repentance is the greatest gift Jesus has ever provided; by repenting, you will be restored. He knows us in every way and paid the price—the very high price to remove sin. Jesus is just and willing to forgive us of all our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). That’s the good news for believers and unbelievers alike.
This is the gospel that we preach—that whosoever will turn to Jesus can be reconciled and restored to the Father through Christ Jesus. This year Prophecy and Promises is combining its efforts to win souls with Evangelist Tim Sutton. Tim Sutton Ministries sponsors crusades across our country called “Impact America.” I believe that it is time that America be impacted by the gospel once again. We assisted Brother Sutton before with a crusade in West Virginia. We witnessed people healed, delivered, and lives restored. We are expecting more of the same this year.
Prophecy and Promises will be coming alongside Evangelist Sutton for crusades in Nashville, Tennessee, in August and Nabb, Indiana, in October. I want you to be a part of these crusades. We can use people for the ministry of helps as well as finances, which are a big part of these crusades. We reach out to neighborhoods where we can make the most impact in the lives of the people. Never, ever forget prayer; we need much prayer!
The crusade draws people in by giving away gift cards, appliances, bill pays, and cash. Before the drawings for these gifts are praise and a powerful Word about God’s love with an opportunity to accepted Jesus. We involve the local churches so those impacted will have a place to grow. Remember what it was like when you first accepted Jesus? You can help make that happen for someone else and affect the Kingdom of God forever. Please contact me so you can find out more.
I do not usually make an appeal for finances, even though they are always needed in ministry. However, if you would commit to a monthly gift of only $20 between now and October, you would greatly impact these crusades and the people in the communities. You can give direct right HERE. A gift of any amount can help save a soul. I have seen firsthand the results of these campaigns.
Thank you for your continued prayers and regular financial support for this ministry. You make a difference only God may know until we get to heaven. We are on our way to heaven! May God continue to bless you and watch over you all the days of your life.
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