Greetings in the name of the majestic King Jesus. We had a great October full of ministry and would like to thank you for your prayers and financial support. Revelations were imparted to members of the Body of Christ, giving them a clearer view of the times in which we live and knowledge of what to do.
Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command (I Chronicles 12:32).
As time goes on, I continue to develop a deeper understanding as to why the Holy Spirit led Dr. Sutton to minister on Bible Prophecy. Dr. Sutton would often say, “Bible Prophecy makes up over one-third of the Bible! The Father did not include those prophecies just to say, ‘Look at how thick My Book is!’”
So many Christians want to steer clear of Bible Prophecy and any teaching on the End Times. Some say that Bible Prophecy is “too controversial” or that there are “so many different ways it can be interpreted.” Some even refer to Bible Prophecy as a “secondary doctrine.” According to Scripture, none of these reasons are sound nor reason enough to ignore any part of God’s Word. May I remind you of some Scriptures that Hilton often reminded me of. First,
“Does this offend you?” (John 6:61).
Jesus asked His disciples this question as He explained the spiritual and physical sacrifice that was soon to be made so that mankind could be offered redemption and eternal life. They did not care to try and understand. They were satisfied with their own knowledge, and they knew that they were not drinking His blood nor eating His body in any shape or form! According to Jesus, they were offended. This is how some see the deffinition of offense.
Many in the Body of Christ today refuse to accept truths from the Word of God and from men and women ordained by Jesus Himself to proclaim the truth. Many people are satisfied with their knowledge and find the truth too controversial, which leads me to another of Hilton’s favorite verses:
Knowing this ffirst, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation (II Peter 1:20).
We see people everywhere interpreting everything the way they want to interpret it. Such is bad news for those who do so because they have gone the “way of Cain” (Jude 11). That is, they are attempting to redeffine what the Father has said about a subject. Hot topics on the world stage include sexuality, morality, spirituality, legalities, and the list goes on. According to the Word of God, these topics are not up for debate! They are interpreted, when they should be judged. This includes the Bible.
So, how do you judge the Bible? You judge it biblically! Peter tells us that no part of the Scripture is up for your personal opinion. It is conffirmed and interpreted by the Father Himself, and He sent His Word (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit to help us interpret. Hilton would say, “The Word will interpret itself.” We must not be caught up in the thoughts and the vain philosophies of men (Col. 2:8), which leads me to a third Scripture often used by Hilton:
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is proffitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (II Timothy 3:16-17).
ALL SCRIPTURE is given from the Father, and all is good for doctrine or teaching. This includes Bible Prophecy, which as we know makes up over a third of God’s Holy Book. Therefore, Bible Prophecy is every bit faith, hope and love as the rest of the Scripture. This means it is to be taught. We are to preach the Word in season and out. The Word is all inclusive: Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Elder ministers, like Hilton, were able to preach from any book of the Bible.
I have heard many godly prophets say that the next move of God will be of Word and Spirit. That Word includes Bible Prophecy, and rightful so. Theses Scriptures foretell our future, the expected end that the Father has for us, and it is good (Jere. 29:11). When you know what is going to happen, it takes away all the fear. You can face every day knowing that you are in the Father’s hands. As you are obedient to Him and seek His kingdom, everything you need is provided to you (Luke 12:31).
We must not dismiss the very Scriptures that prophesy who we are and what we shall be when Jesus appears. These Scriptures also give the description of how the world around us will look. Such are signs for us to strive for holiness, purity, unity of mission and maturity. We are to gather together with believers more as we see the day of the Son of God approaching (Heb. 10:25). We are not to be like some Christians who only come together when it is convenient.
Time is short and grows shorter every day. Jesus is coming! When He does, there will be no time to prepare and straighten out our spiritual lives. We will either be taken at the catching away of the Church or left behind. The commitment and follow through you have made to Jesus will be the determining factor.
Michelle and I love you and are praying for you and your family. We call you blessed, healed and whole in Jesus’ name!
Rev. Dwayne Byerly
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