Greetings in the majestic name of Jesus, our blessed hope! January 2023 is in the books. We had a great meeting kicking off this year at Souls Harbor Church in Canton, Georgia, and then a time of refreshing and direction for the year at Brother Copeland’s Ministers’ Conference. We look forward to doing multiple “Fearless Revelation” conferences this year, along with “Introduction to Bible Prophecy” classes. Our first will be in New Iberia, Louisiana, at The Glorious Church Worship Center on March 12-15, 2023. We also are believing to go to Belize in Central America to minister to ministers in June. We even have some churches in Europe we are believing to minister to in the near future.
We are in the End of Time; the Age of the Church is coming to an end. Soon, the Church will be removed from the earth, and God will deal with the wicked and ungodly. He will do it in a short period of time, allowing mercy for all who will call on the name of Jesus: “Oh, give thanks to the LORD; for He is good! For His mercy endures forever” (Ps. 136:1).
The Apostle Paul said this during his days, “Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour” (I John 2:18). Paul goes on to tell Timothy that evil men and deceivers will grow worse and worse, tricking people and being fooled themselves (II Tim. 3:13). They are fooled by cunning teachings of devils that can cause even the very people of God to be deceived (I Tim. 4:1; Matt. 24:24). That was in Paul’s time around 60 A.D. Today, seducing spirits hold massive classes on the teachings of hell. Their classroom is the world, even in the churches that have come out from among us. Humanism is the risen god of this age, and the Antichrist will be its king. People look to other people to set the moral bar, instead of God’s Word. Total acceptance of any behavior can be legitimized. The doctrines of devils justify the murdering of babies and the elderly. Sexual perversions of all types are exalted, even for the institution of marriage itself, to the point it’s thought not to be needed, even by church members.
Marxism, Socialism, and the current Democratic platform are all humanistically trying to meet man’s needs with man’s resources. They are attempting to make governments the source of protection, provision, and the givers of freedom. All the while enslaving people to a bondage of dependency. Think of these things! They teach:
If you can’t work because we have shut down your job, we will give you money to survive. However, we will decide what amount of money you get and what you can buy.
If you can’t take care of your health insurance, we will provide you health services. However, we will decide your treatment options.
If you are terminal? We will keep you comfortable and help you pass on.
This is not a life of peace (nothing missing, nothing lacking) or the abundant life that Jesus came to give us (John 10:10).
“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.” —Matthew 12:30, NLT
Now, I know these are strong words, but so are the doctrines of devils, yet they are covered with pleasantries. Karl Marx, the father of Socialism and Communism, was not an atheist but he hated God. You can’t hate what doesn’t exist. Marx said that socialism is just a step toward converting to communism. Seducing spirits and doctrines have been taught in our schools and colleges to the point that many Americans believe we are a Democracy, although we are actually a Republic. These spirits influence a majority of the Democratic Party, and they controversially voted THREE TIMES not to include God nor recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in their platform. Had it not been for one man’s conviction, it would have happened.
Championing abortion and sexual perversions of all kinds, a considerable part of their platform goes against the Bible and the God of heaven. These doctrines have even led to allowing children to be considered animals urinating and defecating in cat boxes at school. To me, that is child abuse; believe me, this stuff is real. I can’t make it up. If you’re a supporter of the Democratic Party, I don’t mean to offend you, but these issues must be pointed out. May you become a loud voice for God against these doctrines in your party instead of a default of silent support.
It takes boldness in these End Times to stand up for God, and we need to pray for that! Without great boldness, there cannot be great exploits, and without great exploits, the Glorious Church cannot fulfill its assignment. If you are truly a born-again believer, you are in this world, but you are not supposed to be a product of this world (John 17:14). Let me remind you of what this world produces and will increase the production of until Jesus comes back to rule and reign with His Church. There is tribulation, darkness, sorrow, no love, lust, principles, regulations, commandments, doctrines, suffering, sin, death, and no hope (John 9:5, 13:1, 16:33, 17:13; I John 2:15; Col. 2:20-23; I Peter 5:9; Rom. 5:13-14; Eph. 2:11-12).
These conditions are all caused by humanism or the desires of man. It reaches a culmination at mid-Tribulation when the Antichrist, a sodomite, declares himself god in Jerusalem in a holy place. The city then is known as Sodom and Egypt for its sexual sin and idolatry (Rev. 11:8). This is why the mark of the beast is 666, for it is marking the world’s greatest age of human self-righteousness without God (Rev. 13:18).
Mid-Tribulation is the beginning of the rule of the Antichrist and what Jesus called the Great Tribulation. The wrath of God is poured out during this time; however, the wrath of Satan is also happening in the full power of his deception.
And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
—1 Thessalonians 1:10
Oh, how Jesus and I want you to be saved from the wrath to come. So, you must not be seduced by these evil doctrines. You must renew your mind in order to cast down every thought and doctrine that would raise itself above what God has said (Rom. 12:2; II Cor. 10:5). How can you do that if you don’t know what He has said? You cannot. Every Word that has come from the mouth of God, you must have daily (Matt. 4:4, 6:11; Josh. 1:8). You must start somewhere! It is truly life and death, so choose LIFE (Deut. 30:19).
It’s not about rules and commandments. It’s about a Father’s love and desire for a relationship with His children. He guides us every day away from temptation, delivering us from evil (Matt. 6:13), trying to provide for us in every way as some perish in ignorance or rebellion (Hos. 4:6; 1 Sam. 15:23). His love and mercy go on forever, and He is forever speaking to us and giving us more opportunities to go His way, which is ALWAYS good (II Pet. 3:9). For there is no other way that is good because ONLY God is good (Mark 10:18).
The Christian way is not easy, but it is crucial. It takes effort, but the price is worth it! The more you apply God’s Word to your life, the greater results you will get. So don’t faint in well doing (Gal. 6:9). Jesus is coming soon. Are you sure you’re ready? I hope and believe so in faith for you.
Please help me get the urgent message of hope to people who may not have it or have lost hope. Your prayers are appreciated greatly! They strengthen us and make a way, and your finances help us go. It takes support from people like you, and I pray over every offering that comes into this part of Jesus’ ministry. Our mission is to get the Gospel out to as many places as possible. God will have to supply more finances this year than ever to get to the overseas locations He has put on my heart. He uses people to do that with donations (we call them seeds) large and small, all together make it happen. When you sow a seed in good ground, it grows up to produce a harvest for YOU—because you are the one that sowed the seed.
We pray for your health, finances, relationships, and protection in these End Times. Until next time, remember . . . Jesus is Coming Soon! Be Ready!
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