Season’s greetings from Nashville! This is the season for celebrating Jesus’ First Coming; however, we are also in the season of His Second Coming. There are so many prophecies being fulfilled: (1) the United States is back in line with Israel for the End-Time battle of Ezekiel 38, (2) mankind is delving into humanism on all levels, (3) there are increasing upheavals of nature, and (4) Israel is becoming more and more assured of itself as a people who refuses to be “plucked up” from their homeland (Amos 9:15).
At Jesus’ First Coming, He came as a Gift from our Heavenly Father; He was and is the only way of reconciliation to the Father. Jesus rectified Adam’s tremendous mistake, thus giving mankind the opportunity to enter back into a season of walking and talking with the Father. By accepting Jesus, He comes to live inside of us and gives us a new life, supernaturally, that cannot be taken away.
Those who have not accepted Jesus are in darkness. Each day, they walk about blind—not able to truly understand or even comprehend what is happening or why. They haven’t received the Gift, Jesus, or the love and reassurance that come by His presence. Today you have the gift inside you. You are instructed to give it freely to the world of darkness around you. I pray this Christmas that you give like never before.
Give of yourself and the presence of Jesus within you that overcomes all things. Let His love light shine so that those in darkness might realize that someone has given them the greatest gift they could ever receive: An assurance of His love and a good life, no matter what may be going on around them (or you). They can know that their future is sure and that all hell cannot change it.
The greatest gift does not set under the tree but at the top. Jesus is the light of the world! He is the star that brings light to those in darkness. It was a star that showed the way to the door of escape—Jesus. Now you are the stars that show the way. You are the light of the world. Give, give, give so that others may live, live, live! The Father’s table of life has been set, and it overflows, but so many are starving to death. The prophet Daniel spoke of you concerning the End Times, by the Holy Spirit:
Men and women who have lived wisely and well will shine brilliantly, like the cloudless, star-strewn night skies. And those who put others on the right path to life will glow like stars forever.
Daniel 12:3, MSG
To live wisely is to win souls according to Proverbs 11:30. Winning souls is the best gift you can give to the Father and others. This can be done in many ways. One can partner with a ministry like ours. We desire to shine bright so that many may come to know Jesus from the pulpit and in our everyday lives. Our gift is not for ourselves, but for others to know Jesus and their place in God’s End-Time plan.
We are expecting to do and see many new things in 2018, so we are believing for twelve new financial partners, at any level, for the beginning of the New Year. There were twelve disciples that turned the world upside down, which was actually right side up from the way it was. The world is upside down again. Be one who will help set people’s lives right-side up again in the coming year.
Let’s all strive to shine as bright as the stars this Christmas as you close out the old year and enter into a New Year of better things! Until next time, it is our prayer that you and your family have a Merry Christmas full of the peace and blessings of God.
Remember, Jesus came and shall come again soon!
Rev. Dwayne Byerly
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