Greetings in the majestic name of Jesus! We are rolling along this year as the weather starts to get hot again. I want to bring a friendly reminder about climate change, which was created by our Heavenly Father. Many in the world are confused about the shifts in the weather because of their lack of knowledge of God’s Word. God says,
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.” —Genesis 8:22
Billions of dollars are spent on studies to explain the fate of our planet and what is called “global warming.” I’m here to tell you that God is not confused about the earth’s future. He has written about it in His Book. Know that whenever “authorities” (basically, “prophets of the land” —Jere. 5:13) state that the future of the earth is in our hands, they are trying to usurp God’s authority making themselves gods in their own minds. This mindset puts global warming into the category of antichrist that the Apostle John warns us about (I John 2:18-29).
Scientifically, the seasons are caused by the position of planet earth in relation to the sun, which involves the tilt or axis of the earth. Scientists believe the earth is off its perfect axis about 23 degrees or approximately 26 feet. How long has it been this way? I do not know; however, let’s consider some Scripture:
As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. —2 Samuel 22:31
“Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” —Matthew 5:48
Do we really believe these Scriptures? Do we believe Jesus? His Words are in red. Can God the Father make a mistake? According to these Scriptures, He is perfect, so He is incapable of creating a mistake.
His purpose and reason for creating you are perfect! You were made in the heart of God with perfection and given a perfect plan. In order to be born into the earth, we have to come through the sin nature of the flesh, which causes us to be separated from the perfection of God and His plan. Only through the redemption of Jesus Christ is the plan set back on course; when you receive Jesus and make Him the Master (Lord) of your life, your plan can be realized.
You were created with perfection, just like Adam and Eve. Then Satan came along and destroyed that perfection. Genesis 1:1 states: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The earth was also created in perfection like Adam and Eve, which means it was not crooked or off its axis, nor could it be without form or void covered in darkness as seen in Genesis 1:2. When God said, essentially, “Earth Be!” the earth was in all its perfect glory.
The same destroyer caused the earth to be found in the condition of Genesis 1:2: “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.” Many theologians call it “Satan’s flood,” but whatever it was caused the earth to go into chaos. This event is where I see the earth coming off its axis in the Scripture.
What about the weather changes that so many attribute to “Global Warming”? First, in the 1970s, the prophets of the land were crying “Global Freezing,” so there is confusion among the voices. Satan is the author of confusion and the instigator of every evil work (1 Cor. 14:33; James 3:16), further pointing toward antichrist spirits at work.
So, what happens when the earth moves off its axis about 26 feet? It changes the earth’s position to the sun and thus changes weather patterns. Many do not realize the great earthquakes Jesus prophesied have been moving the earth. The earthquakes in Indonesia in 2004, Chile in 2010, and Japan in 2011 have all moved the earth, and that movement has been in the direction of restoring the earth’s perfect axis. The 2011 earthquake in Japan moved the island nation eight feet and shifted the earth’s axis four inches. Such is a preview of things to come.
And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. —Revelation 16:20
On the last day of the Tribulation Period, there is a great earthquake that mankind has never seen. This upheaval of nature moves islands, levels mountains, and moves the earth’s axis back to perfection. Isaiah prophesied it this way:
Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. —Isaiah 13:13
The day of His fierce anger is the last day of the Tribulation, also known as the Wrath of the Lamb (Zec. 14:1-15; Matt. 24:29-30; Mark 13:24-26; Rev. 6:12-17, 16:17-21). We are getting closer. The earth’s groaning brings forth signs of Jesus’ appearing and Second Coming. This last day of the Tribulation will introduce the 1,000-year reign of Jesus on the earth. The seasons will be perfect, and the earth will be upright on its axis. Righteousness and peace will dwell in the whole earth. So when you hear someone talk about the changes in the weather, be at peace as they are signs that Jesus is coming soon.
It is good to know the future; it takes all the fear out of what’s ahead. That is why Bible Prophecy is so important. We so appreciate your prayers and financial support that helps us take this uplifting message to others.
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